15 December 2011

christmas eyes

So I've finally succumbed to all this festivity and put the decorations up.
It feels good to have the flat all sorted and clean and the tinsel out again :) So here's our lovely little tree..
Theres a silver and purple theme for our decorations and it inspired me to do a sparkly eye makeup look using green silver and purple.
I started with silver on my brow bone then added in the green and purple.

After I've filled in my brows and added eyeliner and mascara
I actually used a purple felt pen liner by collection 2000 which goes on so smoothly i love it, unfortunately the colour hasn't showed up that well in these photos though.
I used my collection 2000 pallete 

I love the packaging of these palettes and they are amazing value for money only £4.99 and it was 3 for 2 at boots so super savings!
Anyway what do you think?


  1. You always have an awesome make-up!

  2. thanks so much for your comments guys!

  3. This eye shadow is amazing!
    Katarina xx

  4. You're so cute and great with your eyeliner. I always struggle to get it even and straight. It's a constant battle!

    Also thanks for following and your nice comment on my blog (:
