This cold wet weather really makes me want to hibernate. I hate it when I become really demotivated and get nothing done on my days off like today. I really need to start eating healthily instead of living off pastries and junk because it's giving me no energy! And I'm sure it will all catch up on me in a few years and I'll either have diabetes or heart problems or something. I think the way the world is at the moment we're all living for the here and now and not thinking of the consequences of our actions on the future...
Anyway so my plan for the week is....
- Buy some fruit and veg and plan some healthy meals
- Get looking out and applying for new jobs
- Get the bedroom organised, believe me it's a big task me and my hubby are both messy people. How I wish I had OCD sometimes, at least I'd know where things are!
But one of my favourite moments of the night was when it was all over and me and Chris retired to the bedroom, we opened all our presents and drank champagne on the balcony looking out across the lake :)
Hope we can create some more magical memories this Christmas...